Human Rights

A Feminist Foreign Policy actively defends and advances the rights of all individuals and communities, and considers the universality principle of human rights to be fundamental. We are thus committed to understanding and countering the international anti-feminist movement, which, across the globe, works to restrict the rights of women and LGBTQI+ people, on both the domestic and international level. Because until all of us are free, none of us are free.


CFFP Peace Hands
The impact of anti-gender actors on multilateral structures in Europe

Understanding how anti-gender actors impact negotiations, the adoption and implementation of treaties, alliance building, and polarisation within multilateral structures is crucial – not only to counter anti-gender actors but also to preserve and improve our multilateral order, which is vital for human rights across the world, in particular of persons subject to (intersecting) forms of discrimination and marginalisation.

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CFFP Equality Sign
Countering Exclusion with Unity

Working further to defend and concretely advance the rights of women and LGBTQI* people in the European Union, our current project, financially supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, works on strengthening civil society capacities through enabling cross-sectoral cooperation, peer learning, strategy and narrative development, as well as in-depth advocacy between civil society and policymakers/political influence holders at both the EU level and in 6 European regions.

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Rainbow Flag
United for our Rights

Across the world, there is an active civil society as well as progressive governments that campaign for the rights of women, those of the LGBTQI* community, against racism, as well as right-wing and nationalist populism. Unfortunately, these actors are far from being as well connected and funded as the anti-gender movements. This CFFP project worked to fill this gap.

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CFFP Women's March Purple Flag
Understanding and Countering the Anti-Gender Movement

In early 2020, CFFP began engaging with the question of the transnational anti-gender movement, and conducted extensive desk research, interviews with activists and academics, and expert roundtables in order to develop a broad understanding on what we are dealing with and what we can do to counter the anti-gender campaigns.

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protest banners from a pro-choice protest in Poland
Dangerous Alliances Interview Series

We spoke to feminist activists, policy experts, and scholars from different regions, ranging from Eastern Europe to Latin America, South East Asia and more. With the help of our interviewees’ experiences and knowledge, we try to better understand the connection between the rise of populist authoritarian leaders and anti-feminism globally

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Key Resources

Für Frauen (gegen) Rechte – Nein zu Hass und Hetze! Ja zu Frauenrechten und Demokratie!

Die Kampagne „Für Frauen (gegen) Rechte“ wurde ins Leben gerufen, um auf die wachsenden Bedrohungen gegen Frauenrechte und die Demokratie aufmerksam zu machen. In einer Zeit, in der rechtsextreme und autoritäre Kräfte weltweit an Einfluss gewannen und gezielt Frauenrechte angriffen, stand die Kampagne dafür, diesen Entwicklungen entschieden entgegenzutreten. Der Fokus lag dabei auf der Mobilisierung für die Europawahlen 2024 und dem Schutz demokratischer Parteien, die sich für Frauenrechte einsetzten.

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Dringender offener Brief namhafter Frauen und Männer an die Bundesregierung: Schwangerschaftsabbrüche müssen endlich entkriminalisiert werden! #wegmit218

Sehr geehrte Frau Bundesministerin Lisa Paus, Sehr geehrter Herr Bundesminister Karl Lauterbach, Sehr geehrter Herr Bundesminister Marco Buschmann, Sehr geehrte Bundesregierung, Heute, am 15.04.2024, präsentiert die von Ihnen einberufene Expert*innenkommission zur reproduktiven Selbstbestimmung und Fortpflanzungsmedizin ihre finalen Ergebnisse. Der Abschlussbericht bestätigt, was zahlreiche Expert*innen, Aktivist*innen und betroffene Frauen schon seit Jahren fordern: Schwangerschaftsabbrüche müssen in Deutschland endlich entkriminalisiert werden.

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Towards a future with more just and inclusive food systems? Power shifting and centring indigenous knowledge systems hold the key

In 2022, over 2.4 billion people around the world lacked access to “nutritious, safe, and sufficient food” due to various shocks that have led to rising living costs, supply chain…

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Über 100 namhafte Frauen aus Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft fordern ihre Rechte ein: Dringender offener Brief an Justizminister Buschmann (FDP) und die Bundesregierung zu ihrer Blockade-Haltung zum EU-weiten Schutz von Millionen von Frauen vor Gewalt

Sehr geehrter Herr Minister Buschmann, sehr geehrte Bundesregierung, wir bitten Sie dringend, Ihre Blockade-Haltung zu Art. 5 (Vergewaltigungsstraftatbestand) des Richtlinienentwurf (RL-E) für einen umfassenden und zugleich effektiven und durchsetzbaren Schutz vor geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt in allen EU-Mitgliedstaaten aufzugeben. Mit dieser Blockade-Haltung steht der Schutz von Millionen von Frauen vor Gewalt in der EU auf dem Spiel.

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CFFP’s Pride Reading List

Hey there! Every year, June is all about celebrating Pride Month - we commemorate Human Rights Defenders and Queer pioneers throughout history, thanking them for their activism and resilience, and…

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Disrupting the multilateral order? The impact of anti-gender actors on multilateral structures in Europe

What is the impact of anti-gender actors on multilateral structures in Europe? How do we build resilient and progressive human rights frameworks to ensure human rights for all? CFFP, financially…

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Briefing: The Right to Safe and Legal Abortions in Germany: Germany Violates International Human Rights Obligations

Abortion is still illegal in Germany. It will not be criminally punished under certain circumstances, but it remains a criminal offence. While §218 of the Criminal Code prohibits abortion in…

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Briefing: A Feminist Global Health Policy

This briefing outlines the interconnection of health policy, peace, and development and provides an overview of existing inequalities in global health, the lasting effects of colonialism and imperialism, and the…

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Dangerous Alliances Interview Series

Feminist Voices on the Rise of Authoritarianism and the Anti-Gender Movement An interview series by the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy * The views and opinions expressed in these interviews…

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How Anti-Feminist and Anti-Gender Ideologies Contribute to Violent Extremism – And What We Can Do About It

Anti-feminist and anti-gender ideologies – and their basis in hostility and hatred towards women and LGBTQI* people are a crucial, yet overlooked element when analysing radicalisation and violent extremism. Anti-gender…

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Funding (in)equality? A comparative look at the funding landscape for pro-and anti-gender initiatives and campaigns in the European Union (EU)

Anti-gender campaigns and actors are much better funded than human rights and equality advocates. At the same time, key state services and civil society organisations are being actively defunded or…

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Power Over Rights: Understanding and Countering the Anti-Gender Campaigns

What is the transnational anti-gender movement? Who are the actors? How do they operate? What can we do about it? CFFP, financially supported by the German Federal Foreign Office and…

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Upcoming & Past Events

Resilient Voices: Defending Women’s Rights against Pushback

In recent years, there has been an alarming global rise in attacks on women's rights. Across various regions, illiberal and authoritarian movements have increasingly targeted women's autonomy, using it as…

September 24 @ 12:30 - 13:30

Together for women’s rights & democracy!

Your voice matters! In light of current threats to our (women's) rights, it is more important than ever to stand up for a democratic future. Together, we say no to…

May 30 @ 16:30 - 21:00

Western Aid for Backers of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill – Report launch

register here. Claire Provost is a feminist investigative journalist and co-founder of The Institute for Journalism and Social Change; she previously worked at The Guardian, The Centre for Investigative Journalism…

24. April 2023 @ 17:00 - 18:30
Online Event for the launch of the study "Disrupting the multilateral order? The impact of anti-gender actors on multilateral structures in Europe". The Webinar will take place on November 21 2022, 3 pm CET.

Study Launch – Disrupting the multilateral order? The impact of anti-gender actors on multilateral structures in Europe

We were pleased to host the online launch event for our study “Disrupting the multilateral order? The impact of anti-gender actors on multilateral structures in Europe”. Through concrete policy recommendations,…

21. November 2022 @ 15:00 - 17:00

Expert Roundtable Discussion: Understanding the Impact of anti-gender actors on multilateral structures in Europe

This invitation-only online expert roundtable discussed the impact of so-called anti-gender actors on multilateral fora: how they impact agenda-setting and negotiations, how issues of gender and LGBTQI* rights are instrumentalised,…

21. April 2022 @ 14:00 - 17:00

Online Conference: “The Transnational Anti-Gender Movement in the Wider Anti-Democratic Climate”

There is a lack of knowledge and awareness among policymakers and activists about what the anti-gender movement is, how it operates, the risks it poses and how to effectively develop…

16. December 2021 @ 17:00

Rights, Responsibilities, and Revolutions – Understanding Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in a Transatlantic Context

In recent years attacks on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) - such as the Global Gag Rule and Poland’s abortion ban - have been growing on both sides of…

7. April 2021 @ 17:00
The digital Launch Event: "Power Over Rights: Understanding and Countering the Transnational Anti-Gender Movement" will take place on 17.02.2021.

Power Over Rights: Understanding and Countering the Transnational Anti-Gender Movement

To mark the launch of our “Power over Rights: Understanding and countering the transnational anti-gender movement” study, the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, the German Federal Foreign Ministry and the…

17. March 2021 @ 17:00 - 14. December 2022 @ 17:00

“LGBTQIA+ rights are constantly under attack. More than ever, we need feminist networks that have your back. This is what CFFP brings.“

Egle Kuktoraitė
National LGBT Rights Organization (LGL)

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Are you ready to join us in making foreign policy a mechanism for equality, justice, solidarity, and peace? Become one of our bold members, visionaries or make a donation to make our work possible. Let’s build an intersectional feminist, inclusive, representative future and make our vision happen – together.

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