Former Topics

Since the beginning of 2024, CFFP no longer works on these topics, which means that this page, the projects, and resources are no longer being updated.

CFFP Former Topics

Former Key Activities

Former Key Resources

CFFP’s Afghan Female Artists List

Reflecting on two years since the Taliban's takeover in Afghanistan—a pivotal moment that reshaped countless lives worldwide. The burning of 'illegal' instruments is a mere fragment of the Taliban's assault…

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Progressive cash for the anti-LGBTQI backlash?

Find the report here. The authors of the report emailed the aid donors/development partners that came up in the research.

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Global South Civil Society Lens: Towards Germany’s Feminist International Cooperation

Following the launch of Germany's Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), to offer critical feminist insights into German funding, the BMZ Reform Konzept 2030, and general project management practices. This…

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CFFP’s Black Feminist Reading List 2.0

To be clear - Black history is in the making every day and should thus be celebrated every day, but we still want to take the opportunity of Black History…

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COP 15 results and why we care

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COP27 recap – the solutions to the climate crisis are intersectional and feminist

A post shared by Centre for FFP (@feministforeignpolicy) Tackle the root causes, not only the symptoms. Regarding the outcome of COP27, a breakthrough was achieved when states agreed to establish…

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Briefing: No Climate Justice Without Gender Justice!

The climate crisis is not only an issue of science and technology but also of fairness and justice. Those who contribute the least to the climate crisis are often the…

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Briefing: Feminist Foreign Policy and Climate-Induced Migration

Climate change due to global warming represents one of the greatest challenges to humankind today. While industrialised countries and multinational corporations are largely responsible for the current climate crisis, the…

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The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy’s Black feminist reading list

Every year, February marks Black History Month - a time to celebrate Black achievements, history, people, and stories - something that is far too often neglected or pushed aside. However,…

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Feminist Foreign Policy So White?!

For us at CFFP, the fundament of feminism is intersectionality. We are committed to constantly working on dismantling the oppressive structures that prevent racial justice, and being attentive to the…

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Wake up, Almanya! – Germany’s political will to ignore institutional racism

As German elections swiftly approach, we understand that the political normalisation and continuing democratic legitimisation of racism are pressing issues. This briefing defines racism as a threat to Germany’s democratic…

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Refugee Legislation in South Africa: A Feminist Foreign Policy Analysis – Part 2

This is the second part of a two part series that utilises a feminist foreign policy (ffp) framing to analyse refugee policy in South Africa. Part 1 has previously outlined the ffp principles, migration legislation and discourse analysis to determine the extent of gender inclusivity in refugee law. Part 2 explores ideas of national security and sovereignty which dominate discussions about the asylum regime to provide a contextual understanding of the barriers to a gender sensitive refugee policy in South Africa. Farley discusses.

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“One struggle, one fight“ Plädoyer für eine feministische Klimapolitik

Welche Auswirkungen außenpolitische Entscheidungen, die fast ausschließlich von Männern getroffen werden, auf marginalisierte Gruppen haben, macht Claudia Roth am Beispiel der internationalen Klimapolitik deutlich. Available only in German.

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Canada’s feminist vision for the G7 and beyond

This article is part of the web dossier on Feminist Foreign Policy that we produced in cooperation with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.. Analysis: How to lobby the G7 countries to implement feminist policies? Canadian civil society organizations are pushing participation from the global south to highlight voices often not heard. Woroniuk discusses.

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Women Leaders in a Man’s World: Does a Feminist Foreign Policy Require a Woman Leader at the Top? – Part II

Women make the world a better place for other women. Or do they? Some maintain that a woman in the top job will mean a brighter future for fellow women. However, we cannot even accept at face value the assumption that women leaders are good for women. This two-part series explores the case of Julia Gillard, Australia’s first and thus far only female Prime Minister (from 2010-2013), regarding the issue of women’s rights in her domestic and foreign policy agenda. Vijeyarasa discusses.

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The Canadian Feminist International-Assistance Policy: A Critique

In 2017, the Canadian government announced a Feminist International-Assistance Policy (FIAP). While details regarding funding or implementation have thus far been unclear, the policy commits the government to applying a “human-rights approach”. Tasia Alexopoulos discusses.

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Past Events

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