
Dringender offener Brief namhafter Frauen und Männer an die Bundesregierung: Schwangerschaftsabbrüche müssen endlich entkriminalisiert werden! #wegmit218
Weg mit §218

Dringender offener Brief namhafter Frauen und Männer an die Bundesregierung: Schwangerschaftsabbrüche müssen endlich entkriminalisiert werden! #wegmit218

Sehr geehrte Frau Bundesministerin Lisa Paus, Sehr geehrter Herr Bundesminister Karl Lauterbach, Sehr geehrter Herr Bundesminister Marco Buschmann, Sehr geehrte Bundesregierung, Heute, am 15.04.2024, präsentiert die von Ihnen einberufene Expert*innenkommission zur reproduktiven Selbstbestimmung und Fortpflanzungsmedizin ihre finalen Ergebnisse. Der Abschlussbericht bestätigt, was zahlreiche Expert*innen, Aktivist*innen und betroffene Frauen schon seit Jahren fordern: Schwangerschaftsabbrüche müssen in Deutschland endlich entkriminalisiert werden.

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1080 1080 CFFP
Über 100 namhafte Frauen aus Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft fordern ihre Rechte ein: Dringender offener Brief an Justizminister Buschmann (FDP) und die Bundesregierung zu ihrer Blockade-Haltung zum EU-weiten Schutz von Millionen von Frauen vor Gewalt
Frauen fordern ihre Rechte ein: Dringender offener Brief an Justizminister Buschmann (FDP) und die Bundesregierung zu ihrer Blockade-Haltung zum EU-weiten Schutz von Millionen von Frauen vor Gewalt

Über 100 namhafte Frauen aus Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft fordern ihre Rechte ein: Dringender offener Brief an Justizminister Buschmann (FDP) und die Bundesregierung zu ihrer Blockade-Haltung zum EU-weiten Schutz von Millionen von Frauen vor Gewalt

Sehr geehrter Herr Minister Buschmann, sehr geehrte Bundesregierung, wir bitten Sie dringend, Ihre Blockade-Haltung zu Art. 5 (Vergewaltigungsstraftatbestand) des Richtlinienentwurf (RL-E) für einen umfassenden und zugleich effektiven und durchsetzbaren Schutz vor geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt in allen EU-Mitgliedstaaten aufzugeben. Mit dieser Blockade-Haltung steht der Schutz von Millionen von Frauen vor Gewalt in der EU auf dem Spiel.

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Webdossier: Nuclear Weapons and Their Humanitarian and Ecological Consequences

In collaboration with the A post shared by Centre for FFP (@feministforeignpolicy) With the Russian war against Ukraine, Russia’s fear-mongering (nuclear) rhetoric and the nine nuclear-armed states’ ongoing and increasing build-up of their arsenals, it has become seemingly harder to advocate for and reach Global Zero, the total elimination of nuclear weapons.Against this background, it…

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150 150 CFFP
The Urgent Need for a Moroccan Feminist Foreign Policy 

The Urgent Need for a Moroccan Feminist Foreign Policy 

Recognizing women's rights as human rights is crucial for achieving equality, justice, and inclusive development. In Morocco's rich history and diverse culture, the significance of gender equality cannot be overstated. As the nation faces crucial decisions in terms of human security and human rights, embracing gender equality aligns with noble goals and unlocks immense potential…

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1080 1080 CFFP
Afghan women are at the forefront of resistance, as they have always been.
Image of Ariane Alam, a member of the CFFP Team, gazing towards the horizon with the backdrop of a golden sunset, evoking a sense of hope. At the bottom of the image, in white text, the quote reads: 'Afghan women are at the forefront of resistance, as they have always been.' In the upper left corner, the white CFFP logo is visible.

Afghan women are at the forefront of resistance, as they have always been.

This week marks a sombre anniversary: the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan. On this Afghan Independence Day, as an Afghan woman, born and raised in France, far removed from my family's and community's ancestral homeland, I want to share some thoughts. In the years before the fall of Afghanistan, a feeling of change was palpable. Cities were…

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1080 1080 CFFP
Beyond tokenism: What if we meaningfully involved Afghan Women?

Beyond tokenism: What if we meaningfully involved Afghan Women?

Today, August 15th marks two years since the Taliban captured Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, and took control of the country. I remember that day as if it were yesterday. Fearing what this could mean for my family, friends, and colleagues in Afghanistan while witnessing it in safety from Germany. The fury and anger I felt, because…

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1101 822 CFFP
Is Peace possible in a world with nuclear weapons?

Is Peace possible in a world with nuclear weapons?

The movie “Oppenheimer” is still being screened in most cinemas around the world, captivating audiences with the gripping tale of the man responsible for creating the most devastating weapon in history. However, it becomes increasingly evident that the world urgently must divert attention to the most pressing question: how can we achieve a world free…

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1080 1080 CFFP
Germany, a Climate Loser? Now or never to decide.
A crane is shown against the backdrop of a large open-pit mine. On the right side of the image, black text on yellow highlights reads "Germany a climate loser? Now or never to decide."

Germany, a Climate Loser? Now or never to decide.

Germany is simply not doing enough to tackle the climate crisis. On Monday, April 17, 2023, Germany's Expert Council on Climate Change released its review and evaluation of Germany's emission data - and the results are quite clear in this regard: Germany is not doing enough and the efforts so far are frustrating, insufficient, and…

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1080 1080 CFFP
Climate Change: Business as Usual, Not an Option!
Two women, CFFP Project Manager Sheena and ex-fellow Michelle, stand together in a crowd of protesters at COP27, holding signs that read 'Climate Justice Now' and 'No Climate Justice withour Gender Jsutice' and 'Justicia Climatica". The are standing in the middle of a crowd at COP27.

Climate Change: Business as Usual, Not an Option!

On 20 March, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the Policymaker Summary of its

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