For the last 18 months, CFFP has been guided by and working with a steering committee of Afghan women experts and human rights activists, with the goal of ensuring that their expertise, recommendations, and perspectives are placed at the centre of international and national policies. This has culminated in a list of demands as published in our policy brief “At The Centre: Afghan Women Experts’ Policy Demands”.
Together we work to centre the perspectives of Afghan women rights activists and experts in all policy discussions. Only when all foreign policies are informed by the impacted communities grounded in an intersectional understanding of human rights for all, will they contribute to a more just, equitable, and peaceful world.
Have a look at the key demands from our Steering Committee:
- Centre Afghan women in national and international policy and implementation processes
- Ground the international community’s response within the international human rights framework
- Ensure that humanitarian aid reaches vulnerable groups and that human rights violations are independently documented
- Provide economic support and assistance, in particular to women entrepreneurs and women-led civil society
- Support people who had to flee Afghanistan
You can read more in detail about the demands in our new policy briefing.
Illustration by Nes Kapucu.