Our services

Scroll down to explore what we offer.


We offer a comprehensive consulting service to governments, NGOs and civil society organisations, political parties, and corporations.

With a strong commitment to gender equality and a feminist perspective, we provide expert guidance and advice on a range of issues related to foreign policy, development, and social justice.

We make sure your team is formulating inclusive policies, effective advocacy strategies and are integrating feminist principles. Develop socially responsible practices that embrace inclusivity and sustainability.

Through our consulting services, we play a vital role in shaping more equitable and feminist world and promoting progressive change in various sectors globally.

Speaking Engagements.

Looking for knowledgeable speakers on Feminist Foreign Policy for your upcoming event?
The CFFP team comprises accomplished researchers and project managers, each specialising in their respective areas of expertise: Peace & Security, Human Rights and International Cooperation.

Keynote speeches, panel discussions, webinars, and more. Contact us and gain access to our extensive knowledge and expertise.


At CFFP, we organise and facilitate impactful workshops on Feminist Foreign Policy. These workshops are designed to educate and engage participants from diverse backgrounds, including governments, NGOs, civil society, and corporations.

Although there is a great deal of interest in Feminist Foreign Policy and a desire for practical implementation guidance, there is a lack of accessible learning opportunities beyond academic literature. Our workshops bridge this gap by providing both theoretical understanding and practical advice, demonstrating how FFP applies to individuals’ daily lives.

We aim to empower participants with the knowledge and tools to effectively engage with and implement Feminist Foreign Policy principles.

Request a service or get in touch!

Fill out the form below and let us know the nature of your inquiry. If you’d like to request a service please mention “consultation request”/”request for speaker”/”workshop request” in the subject field.
Please see FAQs below before submission.

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